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Fotokino | Hélène RiffFotokino | Hélène Riff

Mars, 2019

Hélène RiffLes Sabots d’Hélène (Helen’s Hooves)Tags:ExhibitionsSamedi 23 MarsDimanche 5 Mai14h00 - 18h30 Librairie du Studio Fotokino More info

Exposition librairie • « Les Sabots d’Hélène » Hélène Rif, 2019

Détails de l'évènement

During Karine Rougier’s exhibition, the Studio bookshop presented drawings and ceramics by Hélène Riff. Moulded on fruits and vegetables, or shaped in the palm of the artist’s hand, the ceramics take on unexpected forms, with hues of blue, green and grey, close to the palette of water. The fragile lines and faint contours of the drawings echo the joyful sweetness of the tri-dimensional pieces.

Date et horaire

Sam 23.03.19, 02h00 - Dim 05.05.19, 06h30


Librairie du Studio Fotokino

Hélène RiffLes Sabots d’Hélène (Helen’s Hooves)Tags:ExhibitionsSamedi 23 MarsDimanche 5 Mai14h00 - 18h30 Librairie du Studio Fotokino More info