At the Studio or beyond our walls, all through the year, Fotokino organises creative workshops and mediation activities. One will discover the work of image makers in the animation film, graphic arts, writing, artist’s book, photography fields… Such experiences always offer a personal and/or collective space for experimentation.
These workshops and mediations are at times intended for the general public, and are then announced on our website and on our printed programs. To participate, it is essential to register, as places are often limited!
However, we often work with groups, whether at the Studio Fotokino to complement our exhibitions, or beyond our walls, in media libraries, classrooms or cultural venues. Please feel free to contact us for further information.
Mediations at the Studio
Fotokino carries out in the Studio, as well as beyond our walls, a wide range of specific mediation and artistic educational activities for school classes and groups. For each exhibition, we offer mediations for both young people and adults, bringing the invited artists’ voices and techniques within everyone’s reach.
Two time slots are available each week (flexible hours):
• Wednesday mornings, from 9:00 a.m. to noon.
• Friday mornings, from 9:00 a.m. to noon.
Depending on the chosen time slot, two kinds of mediation are available:
• 30-minute mediation: tour of the exhibition followed by a sharing time.
Fee: Free of charge
• One-hour mediation: tour of the exhibition (30 minutes) and creative workshop (30 minutes).
Price: 16€ for the group.
We restrict visits to groups of about 20 people.
Off-site Mediations
We also run creative workshops beyond our walls, at the request of museums, theatres, festivals, media libraries, schools, and high schools (with the support of the Departmental Council of the Bouches du Rhône), etc. Since 2004, we have carried out more than 250 different workshops, for children and adults. The workshops offer activities drawing from various artistic fields, and are suitable for all ages. All proposals are adapted to the venue, its programming and its audience. Our workshops are also combined with a moment exploring the works of the artists from whom we draw inspiration.
Sample workshops: Book-related workshops (mini fanzine, stamp-typography) or printing techniques (textile, silkscreen printing, monotype); Film-related workshops (flipbook, thaumatrope, stop motion, scratching on film) or stage-related workshops (shadow play, puppets)…
Quotation and information on request.