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Exposition • « Fripitons » Geoffroy Pithon et Benoît Bonnemaison-Fitte, 2019

Geoffroy Pithon and Benoît Bonnemaison-Fitte, “Fripitons”, June-July 2019

Exposition • « Été Indien » Simon Roussin, 2017

Simon Roussin, “Été Indien”, October-November 2017

Exposition • « Collectionneur » Etienne Robial, 2020

“Etienne Robial, Collectionneur”, February-March 2019

Exposition • « Construction » Nathalie du Pasquier, 2015

Nathalie Du Pasquier, “Construction”, September-October 2015

Exposition • « Aire de jeu » Paul Cox, 2015

Paul Cox, “Aire de jeu”, June-August 2015

Karine Rougier, “Autour de Nous”, March-May 2019

Yto Barrada, “La Courte échelle (ou l’échelle des voleurs)”, July 2013

Patrick Lindsay, “Lumigraphe”, February-March 2019

Charles Fréger, “Fabula”, March-April 2014

Group show “Lueurs du Nord”, figure above: Jockum Nordström, November-December 2014

The Studio

For a long time nomadic, Fotokino opened in 2011 its own space: the Studio Fotokino.

Located in the heart of Marseilles city centre, the Studio offers an experimental and collaborative platform for both artists and publics through an exhibitions, workshops and lectures program. A space open to all, children and adults alike, that reflects Fotokino’s commitment since its creation to raise awareness among the youngest members of the community.

Open to the visitors from Wednesday to Sunday from 2pm to 6.30pm, we also welcome groups in the morning for mediations and workshops in accompaniment of the exhibitions.

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