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Non-profit organization

Fotokino is a non-profit organization created on the 4th of April 2000.

Board of directors and volunteer team: Jeanne Trousset (President), Marta Stalla (Treasurer), Aliénor Rives (Secretary); Valérie Chardon-Langlais, Catherine Estrade, Vanessa Jean, Claire Ramon, Stéphanie Le Louarn, Balthazar Daninos, Olivier Boussant, Iris Michalon, Line Vienot.

Membership (individual or family) is valid for one year from October 1st of the current year to September 30th of the following year. Members always receive a welcome and/or renewal surprise gift. Becoming a member also means supporting our approach and contributing to our independence.

To join, you can send this membership form or come and visit us on-site!

The Team

General and Artistic Direction: Vincent Tuset-Anrès
General Coördination and Cinema: Karen Louÿs
Executive Assistant: Maxime Samouiller
Communication: Prune Allain-Bonsergent
Administrative: Lilas Cuby de Borville
Bookstore: Léana Orsoni
Mediations and Bibliocyclette: Lucie Lefèvre
Service civique : Marion Bernard

Opening hours and address

The Studio is open during exhibitions from Wednesday to Sunday, 2:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Free an open to all!

33 allée Léon Gambetta, 13001 Marseille

You can come to the Studio by foot, bike or:

Le Vélo: Gambetta / Lafayette station
Subway: Saint-Charles, Réformés (line 1) or Noailles (line 2) stations
Streetcar: Noailles stop (lines 1 and 2)
Car: parking Gambetta
Bus: Lines 52 and 81 stop Gambetta Réformés


E‑mail and phone:
+33[0]9 81 65 26 44

Social networks:

Sign up for our newsletter:


We offer a single membership fee of €6, valid for one year from the date it begins.

To become a member is to benefit from preferential rates on our workshops, little welcome and/or renewal gifts, but to become a member is also and above all to support our approach and contribute to our independence!

We offer you as a gift :
• 2 posters (to choose from the selection of posters below) ;
• 1 copy of the Désordres catalog.

To join, you can visit us at Studio Fotokino or go through the HelloAsso platform via this link.

T H A N K Y O U !

Affiche • Exposition « Slow Down Abstractions » Adrien Vescovi, 2020

Affiche de l’exposition « Slow Down Abstractions » d’Adrien Vescovi, septembre 2020

Affiche • Exposition « If It Is » Nigel Peake, 2016

Affiche de l’exposition « If It Is » de Nigel Peake, juin-juilllet 2016

Affiche • Exposition « Collectionneur » Etienne Robial 2020

Affiche de l’exposition « Etienne Robial Collectionneur », janvier-mars 2020


We would like to sincerely thank all the partners who support Fotokino’s activities:
Conseil Régional PACA
Conseil Départemental des Bouches-du-Rhône
Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication DRAC PACA
Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports
Ville de Marseille

The Bibliocyclette is supported by the:
ANCT — Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires
Politique de la Ville — Métropole Aix-Marseille
Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication DRAC PACA (Livre)

Private and programming partners:
Riso France
Olympic Location