Avril, 2017

Détails de l'évènement
The exhibition Paysages Fantômes brings together a selection of works by three young French artists: Roméo Julien, Kevin Lucbert and Dans le ciel tout va
Détails de l'évènement
The exhibition Paysages Fantômes brings together a selection of works by three young French artists: Roméo Julien, Kevin Lucbert and Dans le ciel tout va bien. Drawing with simple means—bic pens, felt-tip pens, and post-it notes are their basic tools— , each one explores in his own way themes that intersect and respond to each other: the representation of landscape, the evocation of the passing of time, the transformation of the ordinary… Declined in the form of series, their images bring to light parallel, almost abstract, worlds where space is decomposed and man is no more than a shadow of himself, in turn puppet or ghost.
Born in 1987 in Montpellier, and graduated from the École de l’Image d’Angoulême in 2013, Roméo Julien evolves in the fields of publishing, drawing and painting. His artistic practice is based on landscape, theatre and architecture. The set, the notion of construction and deconstruction, sculpture and structure hold an important place in his drawings.
Kevin Lucbert was born in 1985. He graduated in 2008 from the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris and now lives and works between Berlin and Paris. Member of a group of artists, Le Collectif Ensaders, he regularly participates in performances, exhibitions and conducts drawing workshops. In parallel to his personal artistic projects, he also makes drawings for the New York Times, Télérama, Les Echos…
Dans le ciel tout va bien (In the Sky Everything is Alright) is an artist and publisher. Through landscape and short texts, he explores the different process of drawing and painting. All his drawings are regularly published on his eponymous tumblr, or in book form.
Date et horaire
Sam 08.04.17, 02h00 - Dim 07.05.17, 06h30
Studio Fotokino
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