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Fotokino | Jesús Cisneros – The TempestFotokino | Jesús Cisneros – The Tempest

Octobre, 2023

Jesús Cisneros – The Tempestopening Saturday, October 7Tags:Exhibitions,LecturesSamedi 7 OctobreDimanche 26 Novembre14h00 - 18h30 Studio Fotokino More info

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Détails de l'évènement

Jesús Cisneros was born in Spain in 1969. After studying art history at university and illustration at the School of Applied Arts in Zaragoza, he has published several books with publishers of Europe and Latin America. He lived in Mexico City for five years where he taught illustration at the University of Mexico and at Centro, school of design, cinema, and television. For seven years he has also taught at the International School of Illustration in Sàrmede, Italy. He regularly gives master classes in countries such as Spain, Mexico, Germany, Korea, Russia, Thailand, Portugal, and Greece.
Jesús Cisneros' work has been solo-exhibited in Mexico City, Seoul, Marseille, Porto, Zaragoza, and Barcelona, and has won several awards (the Lazarillo illustration prize, and a special mention at the Ilustrarte biennial in Lisbon). His images have been selected three times for the illustrators' exhibition at the Bologna Book Fair.


The exhibition at Fotokino will mainly feature originals of the book that will lead to a forthcoming publication: an illustrated adaptation of Shakespeare's The Tempest.

Infos complémentaires

Opening: Saturday, October 7, 11 a.m., followed by a talk at 6:30 pm

Free admission Wednesday to Sunday, 2 pm to 6:30 pm

Date et horaire

Sam 07.10.23, 02h00 - Dim 26.11.23, 06h30


Studio Fotokino